- Unity how to make a battle simulator game how to#
- Unity how to make a battle simulator game simulator#
“I had seen some success of titles with similar concepts, but figured this kind of technology could change the game a lot.” The revelation led Weaver to conclude that the simplest thing he could do with this technology was to make a battle simulator. “The first thing I thought was ‘Wow,’ this is incredible, and could be a game in itself,” he says. That doesn’t matter to Weaver who took his technical breakthrough and ran with it. Not that Unity took much notice, apparently, as despite this technical marvel built on its engine, the company hasn’t had any contact with Weaver.Ībove: Bodies don’t disappear amid these massive battles, meaning they pile into dead-men mountains that alter the battlefield. Working within the Unity engine, this was quite the revelation, and unlike anything that had so far been demonstrated on the platform. I was going through a few different ideas, and suddenly had a breakthrough, and I had tens of thousands of characters on screen.”
Unity how to make a battle simulator game how to#
“In the game, I wanted large-scale battles,” says Weaver, “so I started figuring out how to increase the number of characters on screen. It also afforded Weaver the opportunity to start work on his next VR project, envisioned as an open-world Robin Hood game. “I created a game called The Last Sniper VR, he says, “and that game has sold over 10,000 units, which is pretty good for how small that market is.” The limited studio footprint meant that his prediction of a VR game supporting a solo goal was accurate. The contract work and development of UEBS is all his own. At the time, the market was pretty empty and I figured that for a single developer, it could pay off.” I saw the Vive and immediately knew I had to pursue this market. It was no random epiphany or crisis of conscience, however, says Weaver. “I was doing work for smaller studios and investors, and I was in the middle of probably the best contract I’d had, when I had, I guess, a ‘calling’ to break out and self-publish.”Ībove: Is anyone rooting for the army of Santas in this scenario? This wasn’t exactly what Weaver envisioned when he decided to strike out on his own after five years of contract programming work in the games industry, including the preceding two years as a solo independent programmer. When you can pit tens of thousands of characters on screen in, as the title clearly describes, Ultimate Epic Battles, you have YouTube gold. Some 1.3 million views on YouTube and, perhaps more tellingly, 12,000 likes to only 543 dislikes (clearly from people without any sense of humor, or PETA members with a disdain for the wholesale slaughter of the adorable squawking buggers…or those who love Santa just a little too much) reveals the heart of the story. “It was when I released the video of 11,000 penguins versus the Santa Claus army that I realized that this could be something,” says Robert Weaver, CEO of Brilliant Game Studios, of his truly massive scale combat game, Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator. Get more game dev news and related topics from Intel on VentureBeat.
Unity how to make a battle simulator game simulator#
Thanks for any suggestions.The original article is published by Intel Game Dev on VentureBeat*: Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator (UEBS): More than penguins vs.
Also, I'm not sure if this is important for picking out the right tools, but I am thinking of including a feature to run parts of the simulation at different levels of detail, for example, you could "zoom in" on a battle that's happening and see each individual shot, or you could just get the main idea of the battle, like if you won and how much gold you got or something like that. I know how to use unity somewhat, but I'm not sure that it would be best for this. Are there any languages or engines that would be good for this task? I mostly program in functional languages like racket, but I know some python, Java, and JavaScript. I would like the graphics to be separate from the actual game, so that people can make their own if they don't like the default on (the game will be open source). I would also like to include a way to control units through programming, similar to screeps, I'm even thinking of using JavaScript as well.
I'm looking to create some kind of simulation like game similar to rimworld and dwarf fortress.